Why I am Walking Around Like It’s My Birthday

a girl laying down while playing with colorful arranging toys

Oh, the things we take for granted! I was supervising in the classroom when I overheard this simple exchange between Judy, an ABA therapist, and Olivia, a 6-year-old with ASD: Olivia: “Where is the iPad, Miss Judy?” Judy: “Check the drawer, see if it’s in there” Olivia goes to the drawer at the other end […]

Hold My Hand

a piece of paper with hello written on the front

Hello all! My name is Michel and I am a mother of a daughter who has Autism. Her name is Gracie. I will be sharing with you some of my experiences having a child with Autism. I will be sharing some behaviors Gracie displayed. I hope that reading this blog will help you feel not alone […]

Welcome to The Puzzle Place!

six arms holding up puzzle pieces in the sunlight

Hello! My name is Ricky Teichman and I am the BCBA Clinical Director at The Puzzle Place Center for Autism. Some of the other hats I wear are devoted wife, busy mom to 5 little kiddos, in-house chef, chief cleaner upper and laundry folder, and RBT course instructor (not in any order whatsoever:)). In this […]