Yes, I Sent Him to the Grocery Alone

No, I don’t mean my son, he’s only 6. I mean my husband. And by alone, I meant without me, he did have the kids. All five of them. The one who doesn’t stop talking, the one who doesn’t stop touching, the one who doesn’t stop tripping, the one who gets overwhelmed by stimuli, the […]

Welcome Gracie

On September 27, 2007 After 16 hours of labor and a c-section, I gave birth to a 9lb 10 oz baby girl. Due to the c-section I was asleep when Gracie was born. I met my daughter for the first time about 2 hours after her birth. I recall the experience as if it was […]

Hold My Hand

Hello all! My name is Michel and I am a mother of a daughter who has Autism. Her name is Gracie. I will be sharing with you some of my experiences havingĀ a child with Autism. I will be sharing some behaviors Gracie displayed. I hope that reading this blog will help you feel not alone […]