Love and Valentines Day

Having a child on the spectrum is exhausting , challenging and overwhelming. Though you would not trade your baby for the world some days  you would be more that happy to trade the stress. Shoot, I’ll even keep the Autism, just take the stress. For the most part we teach our children Valentines day is […]

Fun with FFCs!

Ah, long Friday afternoons! We had recently gone to visit relatives in Sharon, MA and I had the Melissa and Doug Travel Bingo out. The original version is meant to be played in the car by two travelers, and they have to find the items that are on the board and cross them out. The […]

Time For School

Now it was time for some social interaction. Gracie was 2 and my husband and I wanted her to be with other kids so I searched a few different private schools. We settled on one and off we sent her. Then after about a month of school the director pulled me into her office. The […]

Welcome Gracie

On September 27, 2007 After 16 hours of labor and a c-section, I gave birth to a 9lb 10 oz baby girl. Due to the c-section I was asleep when Gracie was born. I met my daughter for the first time about 2 hours after her birth. I recall the experience as if it was […]